Wednesday, April 14, 2010

A dragon says....


As many of you know, Zach isn't speaking much right now. Oh, he makes a LOT of noise, yaks up a storm in fact, and will use an occasional word or two when his frantic body language isn't enough to spur us into the action that he desires. But active conversation just isn't something he's that interested in right now. One thing I can count on right now, though, is the answer to the question, "what does a dragon say?"

I've wanted to start a blog for a while, both to capture the memories that we make each day and to keep our far-flung family in the loop. I've also been inspired by friends great blogs, replete with fantastic images. So bear with me while I learn how to use the site and I promise some picture-infused posts soon! And if any of you have some tips for me (ahem, Bec and Ang) I'm all ears!


  1. Ooh I get to be the first commenter on a virgin blog! I feel very special! =D

    Looking forward to all the posts! I'm sure you'll be able to squeeze one in here and there between your studies. As soon as I get my act together and revamp my blog, (prolly should include my daughter in the header, huh?) I'll help you fancy up yours, if you like.

    Have fun! You won't regret doing this. I love reading back over my past posts. It's like scrapbooking but cheaper!

  2. LOL @ you calling me out! Just let me know how I can help and I'll be happy to :) I'm so excited to read more posts from you!
